I am very excited to start alphabetically baking my way through twenty-six new recipes! Once again, 'A' is for apple. I really love this apple cake recipe from Recipes and Dreams from an Italian Life by Tessa Kiros. It results in a very dense, moist and not overly sweet dessert. Not only is it tasty but, with its rose petal top, it is a visual showstopper. You can have it with afternoon tea, for dessert served with fresh berries and ice cream, or even for breakfast as I did with my family.
This was the second time within a year that I made this recipe. I first tried it at home in Toronto for my mother's birthday. It was a hit. The pictures I have featured in this post are from when I made it during my recent stay in San Francisco. Making the recipe in two different countries meant that I needed to alter a couple of my ingredients which lead to slightly different results----all positive though.
The original recipe calls for Rennet/Reinette apples which is a variety that I was also not familiar with prior but it is apparently a sweeter, larger cooking apple. I was not able to find this variety for both of my baking attempts so in Toronto I settled for a mix of Cortland and Royal Gala apples and in San Francisco I used Pink Lady apples. Both times I found that I needed more than the suggested 3 apples so I would buy a couple extra just in case.
The cake looked a little different the two times I made it because in Toronto I did not peel the apples like the recipe calls for you to do whereas in San Francisco I did. With the peel left on, the cake certainly looked more floral and delicate. I have put a photo of that attempt towards the end of this post. Without the peel, the cake topping had a softer texture which I found more enjoyable to eat. Depending on the results you would like to achieve you could go either way with the peel.
Since I baked and photographed this cake during my stay in San Francisco last March, I have to give another shout out to Phil for letting me use his studio and equipment, and to Victor for all of his assistance during the shoot. Also, many thanks to the Harvey family for letting me use their kitchen. I ended up baking quite late into the night...